Y O U T H - A L I V E

Youth living life to the full

Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine

Tag: Health

Education Health Rights

Key to turning the tide against HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS continues to be a global health challenge, affecting millions of individuals and communities worldwide. While significant progress has been made in HIV prevention and treatment, the battle is far from over. The key to turning the tide against this epidemic lies in empowering individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills,

Education Health Rights

‘Resilience’ – a fundamental aspect of human existence

In Liberia, a country still healing from the scars of a protracted civil war, the concept of resilience holds profound significance. Youth Alive Liberia is working with Actionaid Liberia and Liberian Women Empowerment Network (LIWEN) under the EU

Climate Justice Education Food Health

‘One Million Trees’ Campaign

Climate change is no longer a distant threat but an immediate reality affecting every aspect of our lives. Agriculture, the backbone of many economies, is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. In Liberia, a country

Education Health Rights

‘Power mapping’ for sustainable project implementation

When applied to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), power mapping can be a useful approach to identify key actors and stakeholders, their interests, and the dynamics that impact SRHR policies, programs, and access to services. Youth Alive

Education Health Rights

Advancing SRHR: A Transformative National Conference

The first-ever National Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Liberia was a gathering of policymakers, CSOs, activists, researchers, healthcare providers, and advocates dedicated to promoting and advancing the rights and well-being of individuals in matters concerning

Charity Education Health Rights

Realizing opportunities for Women and Girls in Liberia (Zero Tolerance for FGM)

The 6th of February every year marks the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.  According to un.org, over the last 25 years, the prevalence of FGM has declined globally. Today, a girl is one-third less likely to

Education Health Rights

Responding to linked epidemics

Youth Alive Liberia has continued to advocate for HIV testing as one of the preventive measure to address HIV/AIDS and Gender Based Violence prevention. Over the years, many indigenous or traditional healers have claimed to be

Education Health Rights

Increasing Focus on ‘Test and Treat’

Acceptance and stigma attached to HIV and AIDS is not the only challenge. Those living with the disease continue facing bigger challenges of continuing right medication

Health Rights

Mental Health Matters

There’s a common conception or belief that you have to feel 100% ready to change before you can take action; but, having second thoughts about yourself and being on the fence isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign that you’re normal. Mental health is a subject that has always

Education Health

Youth bear the brunt in the war over drug addiction

Owing to an upsurge in illicit drug abuse and addiction among the young people in Liberia, there is a great agony, given the health complications and other vices. Abuse of drugs such heroin, marijuana and cocaine have led to

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