Y O U T H - A L I V E

Youth living life to the full

Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine

Tag: Girls

Education Health Rights

‘Power mapping’ for sustainable project implementation

When applied to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), power mapping can be a useful approach to identify key actors and stakeholders, their interests, and the dynamics that impact SRHR policies, programs, and access to services. Youth Alive

Education Health Rights

Advancing SRHR: A Transformative National Conference

The first-ever National Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Liberia was a gathering of policymakers, CSOs, activists, researchers, healthcare providers, and advocates dedicated to promoting and advancing the rights and well-being of individuals in matters concerning

Education Health Rights

Strengthening the Lens of holistic SRHR in Liberia

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) remains a crucial and evolving topic in the modern world. It refers to a range of interventions and initiatives aimed at promoting and protecting the sexual and reproductive health and rights of

Charity Education Health Rights

Realizing opportunities for Women and Girls in Liberia (Zero Tolerance for FGM)

The 6th of February every year marks the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.  According to un.org, over the last 25 years, the prevalence of FGM has declined globally. Today, a girl is one-third less likely to

Education Health Rights

Responding to linked epidemics

Youth Alive Liberia has continued to advocate for HIV testing as one of the preventive measure to address HIV/AIDS and Gender Based Violence prevention. Over the years, many indigenous or traditional healers have claimed to be

Education Health Rights

Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence in Liberia

Cases of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) continue taking place for 15-49 years old ever married women. Data gives a clear indication that neither the street nor the home is safe for our women and girls. Cases of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) continue taking place for 15-49 years old ever married

Education Health Rights

Increasing Focus on ‘Test and Treat’

Acceptance and stigma attached to HIV and AIDS is not the only challenge. Those living with the disease continue facing bigger challenges of continuing right medication

Education Health

Demystifying HIV/AIDS Myths

Learning that you are HIV positive can be one of the most difficult experiences that you go through in life. You may feel scared, angry and sometimes very discouraged, but this should not be the end of you enjoying your normal life. Most people live in denial and this affects

Education Health

A ‘new dawn’ for Mrs. Comfort Tiah

In most communities in Liberia, women and girls still remain vulnerable to HIV/AIDS for various reasons, from HIV/AIDS drugs adherence, little support or care for the people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) and lack of awareness on prevention. Most of the rural communities in Liberia have also been characterized by harmful

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