Y O U T H - A L I V E

Youth living life to the full

Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine

Our Programs


Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Response and Primary Health Care


Human Rights, Good Governance, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Child Protection and Environmental Protection


Foundational Skills, Functional Adult Literacy, Technical Skills and Soft/Fife Skills


Agriculture, Enterprise Development, Orphans and Vulnerable Children


We  strengthen the capacity and collaboration of community and facility service providers, reducing stigma and other barriers to HIV prevention, testing, care and treatment; improving accurate collection and use of data for decision making and ongoing program enhancement. Our intervention contributes to the 95-95-95 HIV Treatment Target which envisions that by 2030, 95% of people living with HIV knowing their HIV status; 95% of people who know their status on treatment; and 95% of people on treatment with suppressed viral loads. We also promote Abstinence and condom use as a preventive measure.


Our emphasis at this point is on the use of non-violent means of resolving conflicts. We want to encourage the use of mediation among communities since it has more advantages. It empowers and enables communities to take control of conflict in their lives and also take responsibility of resolving conflict.

We seek to addressing Gender Based Violence and advocating for access to Justice to create a safe environment for them; engaging men and boys and community structures.



With the increase in population, the available education facilities become inadequate to cater for the needy. Some of the schools are owned by religious, private institutions and individuals.

We seek to work with government and other non governmental organizations to ensure that everyone can access quality education and that all policies with regards to education are well aligned with both formal and non formal systems (if any) of education.


We work with Youth, Women and communities at large to empower them on economic development.

We see the importance of youth and women in the development of policies and national development strategies and prioritization of practices in achieving productive sources of income or employment opportunities. They must be incorporated in implementation of the available economic and social policies.